The unjudgmental Webmistress:
Well, it's quite obvious that we have to start with William the Bloody. He was and is Angelus' favourite boy toy. They didn't spend too much time with each other though, because poor Angelus was cursed before they could really "get to know each other". But in the thirty years they had, they shared quite the history - and the bed.
Angelus's opinion:
Yeah, right. History and bed. You have no idea how annoying Spike can be. It's been more than one, two or even ten times that I wanted to stake him, or behead him or do something which would include a secure death. But somehow it always ended with Spikey chained to the wall and a little torture. I hope he had his fun. I had mine!
He is so child like, so naive even in his cruelest vampire games that it always made me grin. He didn't like that, of course. But well, he didn't like a lot of things. And where did it lead him? To Sunnydale, kissing the Slayer's feet with a chip in his head. This world is crazy!