This of course is one of my alltime favourite episodes. Not only Angelus has this unbelievable moving dialogue, the episode is full of, well, passion... Already the opener with Morcheeba performing "Never an easy" and Angelus dubbed over is, is wonderful to watch. And then the blend over to him drinking from his victim while the gang goes home, right beside him.
I could desrice every single scene, because everyone is a highlight. But did you know until then that Angelus could draw? I mean, what possibilities? Why doesn't he do this more often?
And his lurking style is in best form in this ep. The only thing I'm still wondering about is how he got into Giles' apartement. He was never invited... Anyway, he decorated his room so nicely. It could have been so romantic, but it became the ost scary scene ever in the whole show: Giles walking up the stairs to his bedroom finding Jenny dead. What is more demonic. To stake some minor vamp or see that betrayal?
And another scene I liked from the beginning: Angelus telling Joyce that he slept with Buffy. Wow, the look on her face! I nearly felt for her;-)