I only have eyes for you.

What an episode! It's unbelievable how the script writers found a parallel story and connected that the Buffy/Angel relationship. I know some people who don't like this ep, but I think it's outstanding and it nearly brought me to tears - especially the end, where "Angel" forgives Buffy and tells her that he loved her till the end *sigh*. The whole scene where they are both possessed seems like a catharsis for what has happened. The episode is also important as it shows that Buffy feels responsible for what has happened to Angel. She doesn't blame him - which is important also for "Becoming". It's kind of tragic, because nobody is responsible for that. Except, Jenny Calendar perhaps, but she chose not to tell anybody about the spell.

And this episode has these wonderful Angelus/Spike/Druu scenes, where the viewer already feels the tension between Angelus and Spike. His jealousness is so cute and I love it when he stands up from the wheel chair in the end with this full orchestra making it very dramatic.