Chapter14. Angelus Links.
It's difficult. There's lots of David stuff on the net, not to speak of Angel sites. But I was looking for Angelus sites, specialized in the evilness of his character. I found nothing really worth it. So if you know a good site or have one yourself, pleeeeze mail me the URL! I'd love to add sites here. Meanwhile, visit these great sites:
D.evotion A David Boreanaz Clique If you are a devoted David Boreanaz fan this is the site for you!
S.o bad... I'm proud to say that So Bad is my twin site. It's the only other real Angelus site I know of and it will kick you off your feet!
B.lood Screaming A fantastic and witty site about the Fanged Four, namely Angelus, Spike, Darla and Dru.
W.hirlwind A club site for Angelus, Spike, Darla or Drusilla sites.
I.mmortal A site about the vampires on BtVS. Info on all of them, art, fanfiction, fun, great layout.